Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Final Problem and Purpose Statement

Due to the lack of awareness and promotion, there is a high rate of Hepatitis B within
the Vietnamese population.
The purpose of this study was to research and develop awareness on Hepatitis B within
in the Vietnamese community of San Jose, California.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Are we supposed to update on the progress of our project? Does anyone really look at these blogs? (Aside from Professor Noble of course).

Anyways, onwards.

After a week of no replies from my selected panel of experts, the emails are starting to roll in. Exciting.

I was initially worried about having no "experts", but now I have several people willing to help out. My worry has now moved on to "what to ask them". I don't want them to feel like they're wasting their time with these simple questions.

Well that's why I research a butt load. Anyways.